More than 27 years of work on the Belarusian and foreign markets.
We are the largest producer of chips, snacks, seeds and peanuts in Belarus.
In 2014 “Onega” Company successfully passed the certification of the food safety management system according to the international scheme ISO 22000, based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The purpose of ISO 22000 is to ensure food safety at all stages of production.
Our Awards
Years of excellent work allowed the “Onega” company to repeatedly become the winner of authoritative competitions, such as “Product of the Year”, “Brand of the Year”, “Choice of the Year”, “People’s Brand” and others. As a result of these competitions, dozens of diplomas were awarded for leadership in the field of quality, consumer preferences and taste properties.
More than 20 years of work on the Belarusian and foreign markets
We are the largest producer of chips, snacks, seeds, peanuts and healthy food products in Belarus
In 2014 “Onega” Company successfully passed the certification of the food safety management system according to the international scheme ISO 22000, based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The purpose of ISO 22000 is to ensure food safety at all stages of production.
Our Awards
Years of excellent work allowed the “Onega” company to repeatedly become the winner of authoritative competitions, such as “Product of the Year”, “Brand of the Year”, “Choice of the Year”, “People’s Brand” and others. As a result of these competitions, dozens of diplomas were awarded for leadership in the field of quality, consumer preferences and taste properties.
Are you interested in us?
Contact us!

8, Promyshlennaya Street, Kolodishchi,
Minsk district, Minsk region, 223051

Managing director Sergei Pavlovich

новый логотип Онега


Our Company is the largest producer of crisps, snacks, mashed potatoes, bars, and fulfilling our Mission, we set a goal to provide a high level of quality, safety and competi-tiveness of products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, as well as ensuring profit.

To achieve this goal, we follow the outlined principles in our work:

1. Ensure the release of safe products that meet legislative and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements of ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 schemes in the field of product quality and safety.

2. Constantly improve and maintain the effectiveness of the quality and food safety management system, use international standards ISO 22000, requirements of the FSSC 22000 scheme as the main tools to maximize the satisfaction of the requirements and expectations of consumers, staff and the organization as a whole.

3. To ensure the achievement and maintenance of a high level of knowledge and training of all personnel, the creation of a system of material incentives and motivation for employees.

4. Maintain constant communication with consumers and fulfill requirements mutually agreed with consumers in order to obtain information about the quality and safety of the products supplied.

5. To exchange information with external organizations, suppliers, regulatory authorities, consumers, as well as within the organization to maintain the effectiveness of the quality and food safety management system.

The management of Onega takes responsibility for the implementation of this Policy and expects each employee to ensure high quality work within the framework of their duties.

Managing Director

S. Pavlovich

Date: 03.01.2020

Version: 7

новый логотип Онега


Мы, Команда «Онега», предприятие по производству чипсов, снеков, пюре картофельного, батончиков, выполняя свою Миссию, ставим перед собой цель обеспечить высокий уровень качества, безопасности и конкурентоспособности выпускаемой продукции, удовлетворяющей требованиям и ожиданиям потребителей, а также обеспечивающей получение прибыли.

Для реализации поставленной цели, в своей работе мы следуем намеченным принципам:

1. Обеспечивать выпуск безопасной продукции, отвечающей законодательным и нормативно-правовым требованиям, а также требованиям ISO 22000, схемы FSSC 22000 в области качества и безопасности продукции.

2. Постоянно совершенствовать и поддерживать эффективность системы менеджмента качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов, использовать международные стандарты ISO 22000, требования схемы FSSC 22000 как основные инструменты для максимального удовлетворения требований и ожиданий потребителей, персонала и организации в целом.

3. Обеспечивать достижение и поддержание высокого уровня знаний и подготовки всего персонала, создание системы материального стимулирования и мотивации работников.

4. Поддерживать постоянную связь с потребителями и выполнять требования, взаимосогласованные с потребителями, с целью получения информации о качестве и безопасности поставляемой продукции.

5. Вести регулярный обмен информацией с внешними организациями, поставщиками, контролирующими органами, потребителями, а также внутри организации для поддержания эффективности системы менеджмента качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов.

Руководство берет на себя ответственность за реализацию настоящей Политики и ожидает от каждого работника обеспечения высокого качества работы в рамках своих должностных обязанностей.


С.В. Павлович

Дата: 03.01.2020

Редакция: 7

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